Many people in the local community help by volunteering their time directly at the Whitney Food Bank. Others help in different ways by organizing community events or using a particular talent of theirs to help the food bank.
If you would like us to speak to your organization about all that the food bank does to help in the community, we'd be glad to give a presentation. Contact us to schedule this.
The annual Food Drive, our primary fundraiser and food collection event is held each year in late November. In addition to that, many groups put together their own events throughout the year.
Souper Bowl of Caring -
is a nationwide, grassroots movement begun in 1990 that builds on the energy and enthusiasm of the Super Bowl to mobilize volunteers to tackle hunger in their local communities. This event gives people an opportunity to change the game and join the team for those in need by providing food or cash donations to Our Daily Bread Food Bank.
Local stores regularly donate items such as bread, hams, and more.
Brookshire's is actively involved in a Retail Involvement Program organized by TAFB. The meat market manager provides us with meat that is still within its expiration date, which we distribute to clients on the same day. Additionally, we receive dairy and bakery products.
We have recently started getting supplies from all three General Dollar stores in our area that are engaged in the retail involvement program.
Brookshire Brothers (David’s) gave the food bank a grant for $3,000 - we use the gift cards at David’s every week to purchase bread for our clients!
If you are a member of a church group or other group and like to organize events, consider putting together something that your group can do to help the Whitney Food Bank raise funds or collect food.
The Place At Lake Whitney hosted a Cornhole Tournament where all participants were required to bring a food donation for the food bank, and all entry fees collected were also donated to the cause. This event was incredibly popular and resulted in substantial contributions to the food bank.
Halloween Festival - The Whitney Fire Department collected canned goods for the Food Bank during the Whitney's Downtown Trunk Or Treat.
Retail Store - A retail shop hosted an after-hours party with wine and appetizers for some of its regular customers and donated a portion of the sales that evening to the Food Bank.
Local Businesses - Many Local businesses placed a large empty box by its front door, encouraging customers to bring in cans of food during the annual Food Drive.
With the endorsement from Lennox, Sim’s AC/H donated $3,700 to the Food Bank
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100 Sims Drive Whitney, TX 76692